Important Parts of a Holiday in Bali

There are many different components that make up a holiday; getting there, accommodation, day trips or other tourist destinations and food.  If any of these don’t go according to plan, it tends to spoil your holiday. When you book into Bali villas for your holiday, that is one thing that will go right because there are many advantages to doing so.

For a start, when you have a villa, you often have access to your own special driver who can take you to see all the sights you want for a reasonable cost. In addition, you get a lot more room to spread out in a villa – bedrooms, kitchen and living room – not to mention the swimming pool that is just a step away. All this makes travelling with friends that much more fun since you can meet with one another and chat without worrying about waking up other people next to you.


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Tips on Finding the Best Bali Holiday Accommodation

When going on holiday to Bali, many people like to book into a luxurious hotel for their accommodation. While this can certainly be an enjoyable option, before making a final decision, it is crucial to consider what you are going to be doing and the ages of those who are going with you. For instance, little children will have different needs from teenagers or other adults, so for the holiday to be successful, you need to consider their needs as well as your own.


Bali is a popular overseas holiday destination that has many accommodation options, including hotels, but sometimes, according to Easy Villas, villas available in Bali will suit you a lot more, especially if you like to have more room to move around in.  A villa is a whole house with from one to seven bedrooms, making it ideal for groups or families. The idea of having a whole house to move around in is much more attractive than being confined to just one room.


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10 Tips for Choosing an Overseas Holiday

Many people travel overseas on holidays each year, while others may only go once or twice in a lifetime. No matter how often or seldom you go, the whole idea is usually to relax, have fun and see something a bit different from your own country. Often, booking a holiday package ahead of time gets you a good deal, but you have to be careful of where you choose to go because some countries are dangerous for various reasons.

Here are ten tips for choosing an overseas destination for a holiday.

  • Go online and listen to the news to find out if the country you want to go to is safe. What was safe last year is not necessarily the same this year – and vice versa. Should there be a coup of some kind, it is best to stay away until things settle down.


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How to Save on the Cost of Overseas Holidays

We all love the idea of overseas travel, but it can be costly, which is why we have that special bank account to save up enough for a great holiday. Many people choose Bali because it is the closest place with a hot climate and great beaches and so it costs less for the airfare. Accommodation is also affordable, especially if you go as a group and book some luxury accommodation with a villa company such as Luxury Villas Bali

An overseas holiday can cost a lot, but significant savings can be found when you follow some of the tips below.

  • Much of the cost of an overseas holiday is in the airfares, so getting deals here can save you a lot. Travel mid-week rather than Friday, Saturday or Sunday as airfares are reduced during the week.


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Bali Holiday Tips for Newbies

Getting ready to go to an overseas location for a holiday is very exciting and sometimes a little nerve-racking if you’ve never been before. Learning what to do from others who have been there helps a great deal. If you’ve never been to Bali before you are sure to have a great time. Here are some tips to help the newbie know what to expect and get the best out of their holiday to Bali.


  • October through to April is the rainy season, but it’s not cold unless you happen to be up in the mountains. Going at this time can be cheaper and you may get lucky with less rain than expected – or you may not. Much depends on what you plan on doing.
  • Remember it will be very humid, so make sure your villa has air conditioning.


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14 Travel Essentials to Remember

No matter where you are travelling overseas, you are sure to travel on either an airplane or cruise liner to get there. Most people fly because it is quicker and allows them more time for their holiday. However, there are essentials to remember for the trip that can make life very inconvenient if they are forgotten.  Make a list and check it off as you pack or do what’s on it.

Here is a list of 14 travel essentials to remember for your journey.

  • First aid. It is horrible to get sick when you are in a strange place and don’t know where to get medication or a doctor because you can’t speak the language and no one seems to know yours. Take basic first aid stuff with you as well as enough prescription medications for your stay.
  • Having enough water is essential. You cannot take a bottle of water onto most airplanes. In carry-on luggage, you can only take one tiny enough to hold 100mls, plastic and resealable, into a special plastic bag available at the airport. This allows you to take asthma medication or nasal sprays. However, bigger things can be stored in the luggage


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